History item 6

Zernoproduct, a corn, wheat, barley and sunflower farm established in 2004 as a joint venture by Snyatynska joined the MHP group. Katerynopolsky Elevator, a fodder mill and feed grains storage facility was also added to the MHP group. These initiatives increased MHP’s control over its…

History item 4

The “Nasha Riaba” branded franchising programme (later a “partnership programme”) was launched. In December 2003, MHP became the first Ukrainian business to receive a loan from IFC for the expansion and modernisation of its production facilities. As part of its diversification strategy, between 2003 and…

History item 2

MHP began chicken production at its newly‑established Peremoga chicken farm and over the next five years developed its vertically integrated chicken production operations through the addition of two chicken farms (Druzhba Nova and Oril Leader) and two chicken breeding facilities (Starynska and Shahtarska).