Oscar Chemerinski

Oscar Chemerinski

Independent Non-Executive Director

Oscar Chemerinski is a Senior Level Executive with experience in finance, business leadership, and strategic thinking, with a strong background in the Food and Agri Sector, and in International Development.

Nationality: Argentinian
Joined the Board: 2023

Positions: Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee, member of the Sustainability and International Affairs Committee

Career and prior highlights:

He is a graduate of the Universidad de Belgrano with a Master in Economics and Accounting (CPA) and of the University of Chicago, with an MBA in Finance.

He has over 30 years of global exposure to the private sector, through project finance and advisory services working with Boards, NGOs, CSOs, Governments, MFIs and Banks and including over 20 years with the International Finance Corporation (IFC). In the past he served on the Board of Cofco International (HK) and Bridge Academies (Kenya).

He serves on the Board of HMH (South Africa), Westfalia Fruit (UK), Copeval (Chile), ProducePay (Mexico), and Merensky Timber (South Africa) and he is a Co-Managing Partner, Ballard Partners.

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